Prabowo is angry with related media Reunion 212

Prabowo Subianto. Prabowo said he was upset at the media related to the 212 reunion, not covering the event which was attended by a large number of people as manipulating democracy.

"The people want to be deceived, the people are brainwashed with the press, which, frankly, lies a lot from the truth," he said Prabowo

The following is Prabowo's speech to the media and journalists regarding the reunion news 212:

Ladies and Gentlemen, I was touched how many days ago there was a big event at Monas. There were millions of people present, but many media in Indonesia did not see it. There are many disabilities present. Those who are visually impaired are present, they come from three in the morning there. Not yet other disability groups. Millions are present, but many of our media don't see it. This is a strange bizarre bin. I say, the group. You know what I mean, that one. This is a lot that is waiting for me to say wrong. I'll be reported later.

We are underestimated. We are not considered because we say we don't have money. They have closed everything. The proof is the media, almost all media do not want to cover eleven million more people who gather. Never happened in the world. I think that this is the first incident that humans have gathered that much without being financed by anyone. They are funded by themselves and by their own colleagues and by those who want to help the people around them.

I don't think that has happened before. But the great media that are famous, the media with big names, who say they are objective, are responsible for defending democracy, even though they are partially responsible, they are part of an effort to manipulate democracy ...

Ladies and Gentlemen, there is an effort in my opinion, a great effort to manipulate democracy in Indonesia. They think with big money, the money that comes from practices is not right. The hard money they get from stealing Indonesian people's money. With that money they want to bribe all layers of the Indonesian people. All layers. Political parties want to be bought, officials want to be bought everywhere. The people want to be deceived, the people are brainwashed with the press which, frankly, lies a lot from the truth.

Ladies and gentlemen, I have about five to eight newspapers every day to my place. I just want to see, what are you lying about? What are you lying about? What other lies do they print? And the peak is yesterday Sunday. They stripped themselves of themselves before the Indonesian people. There were a dozen million they did not want to report. They have betrayed their duty as reporters. They have betrayed their duties as journalists.

I said, hi the media that yesterday did not want to say there were a dozen million people or at least how many millions of people there, you have no right to bear the title of journalist again. You, you may print, may you go here and there. I will not admit you are a journalist anymore. No need, I suggest you don't have to respect them again. They are only henchmen from people who want to destroy the Republic of Indonesia.


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