Prabowo Invites All Boyolali Communities To Use Their Voting Rights

Prabowo Subianto. Candidates for President Prabowo Subianto made his visit this time in Boyolali District, Central Java in order to inaugurate the Prabowo-Sandi and Indonesian Adil Makmur Coalition Leadership Post.

In the inauguration of the post, Prabowo was also accompanied by General Chair of the National Mandate Party (PAN) Zukifli Hasan and former Central Java Governor Bibit Waluyo.

"By saying bismillaahirrahmaanirrahim and asking for the mercy of Allah SWT, I will launch this winning post," Prabowo said while cutting the ribbon in the yard of the Prabowo-Sandi and the Prosperous Prosperity Coalition in Boyolali Regency, Central Java, Tuesday (10/30/2018).

In addition to Zukifli Hasan and Bibit Waluyo, they also attended the event, namely the former Boyolali Djaka Regent Srijanta, Bambang Riyanto, RI DPR Member Gerindra Faction, KH Ali Mukson Chairman Muhammadiyah Boyolali, Siti Zumrotun Chairman Aisyah Boyolali, NU Boyolali figure KH Khomaedi, KH Ichsanudin, KH Habib Nasuha, as well as LDII figure Boyolali Wahyu Utomo.

In addition, of course there was also Chairman of the Boyolali Prosperous Indonesian Coalition, Singgih Usman Fuadi, who was accompanied by Mulyanto from PAN, Dwi Purwanto from the Democratic Party, Djumangin from the Working Party and Nur Achmad from PKS, and there was also a figure of reformation 98 Mudrick Sangidu.

In his speech Prabowo asked all Prabowo-Sandi volunteers both in Boyolali and throughout Indonesia to continue to strive to provide understanding to the people in villages and villages that people's lives must change to be better by using their agency as best they can in upcoming 2019 election.

"We also have to prevent fraud, not just rely on one or two witnesses in each tps, but all parties and the entire community must take part in guarding the vote in order to avoid ghost voters, ie the person has died and the voting rights are used by others . Don't also leave the tps before the calculation is complete. That way honest elections can be realized, "he said.


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