New Strategy Prepared by Prabowo-Sandi in Central Java

Prabowo Subianto. Candidate pair President-Vice President number 02 Prabowo Subianto-Sandiga Uno has planned to make a new strategy aimed at taking the vote of Jokowi's defense candidate in Central Java. The plan was to move the winning post from Jakarta to Central Java.

Prabowo-Sandiaga will pay attention to Central Java, the strategy began to be realized at the beginning of 2019.

Then, there were many main reasons for Prabowo-Sandiaga's strategy. One of them is the experience of Prabowo who lost against Jokowi in Central Java in the 2014 Presidential Election.

"Prabowo Sandi realizes, Central Java is a challenging field, and the experience of the 2014 presidential election, the defeat of Prabowo in Central Java. Therefore, Central Java is of particular concern. "It is already considered the possibility that Pak Sandi will move the winning post in Central Java," explained the Director of Debate Materials of the National Winning Body (BPN) Sudirman Said, when contacted on Sunday (9/12).

A number of steps have been prepared by Prabowo-Sadiaga to move his winning post to Central Java. Following these steps:

1. The campaign in Central Java will be focused

Prabowo-Sandiaga will go down to districts and cities in Central Java. Thus, to pay attention to the region, it is expected that the voice of Jokowi-Ma'ruf will continue to erode.

"Central Java is an important province that must be won by the Prabowo-Sandi pair," said Sudirman Said.

2. Increase the winning posts

The winning posts in Central Java will be increasingly multiplied. This is to strengthen the position of Prabowo-Sandi in one of the provinces with the most voters. Moreover

"Posts will be multiplied, will be strengthened there. Indeed, based on our survey, Central Java is our term in the quotes of 'battle ground' Prabowo and Sandi. In many places we win a lot, in thin Central Java based on our internal survey, "added spokesman Prabowo-Sandi, Dahnil Anzar Simanjuntak, told reporters at the office of the National Secretariat for the victory of Prabowo-Sandi, Jalan HOS Cokroaminoto, Menteng, Jakarta (9/12) .

3. Offering changes to the people of Central Java

Prabowo-Sandiaga said that he would offer a number of things when he was based in Central Java. The offer is a change for the people of Central Java.

"We come to Central Java to offer change. We offer how the economy of Central Java and all of Indonesia's economy is increasing. In essence, we offer economic improvements. So we have different concepts with PDIP. For us, this is an effort to jointly make changes to the destiny of the nation, improve the economy by moving the post to Central Java. We hope that Central Java and the rest of Indonesia can get its economy up, "said member of the Gerindra Party DPP Communication Agency Andre Rosiade when contacted on Sunday (9/12).


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